Wednesday, April 20

Basement Reno: An Update!

It seems like forever ago that I first posted about our *big* house project this year - developing the basement in our new home into living space.

We started the project back in November, and 5 months later, it is really only beginning to come together.

All I can say is that in my next life I'd like to come back as a contractor or a plumber or a plasterer or a painter. It must be sweet! They're the only professions where "I'll be there on Tuesday" actually means "See you three Tuesdays from now" (if that) and it's somehow acceptable, or perhaps just 'accepted'.

But I digress. ;-)

Things seem to be moving along nicely now, fingers crossed. Everything's been insulated and dry-walled.

Yaaaaawn.  I feel sleepy just looking at these shots.

Being the decor addict I am, I'm just itching to get on with it. I want to see paint, I want colour, I want to design the trim work, I want to order furniture, I want to make wall art!  If you could see my brain right now, it would look like this. (Actually, my brain looks like this a lot, hee hee)...

My (rough) vision for the space.
The plan for the basement includes a TV room, a playroom, a guest room, a full bathroom, and mud room.  But here's the super exciting part: We'll be moving the (current) upstairs playroom down there.

That means that with any luck my main level will no longer look like this...

Well, OK, the boys can stay, but that tent has to go!

or like this...

Those steel Tonka trucks have a lifetime warranty - too bad my furniture doesn't!


or this...

Currently in our living room, along with all of Miss G's 38 Barbies and their clothes.

And it also leaves an empty room on the main floor that will become...drum roll craft room!  I already have a small office/craft room off our master, but it's too crammed for all my stuff.  This new space will give me lots more space to hide out work on projects.

Look at all that storage just awaiting my craft supplies!
And it even has built in cabinets and counter-top!

I'm thinking it'll be a least another 6 weeks before the space is livable. Can't wait to show you the before and afters.  Well OK, you just saw the 'befores'.  I wouldn't want to bore you with that again! I'll just show you 'afters'.

Until next time, happy decorating.

1 comment:

  1. I cant wait to see your finished basement and how lucky are you to get a craft room too!


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