Wednesday, April 27

London Calling: Union Jack Fever!

The Union Jack.

Um...seen it lately?  Well, of course you have.  You'd have to be living under a rock not to! With the royal wedding looming, the British flag - and, in fact, anything classically "Brittania" - is suddenly very chic.

Or, perhaps, more accurately, more chic than ever.
Source: via Nadia on Pinterest

Because, truth be told, the Union Jack has been a pop culture and fashion icon for at least four decades.  Associated with the Beatles in the 60s, and the anti-establishment punk rock movement of the 70s and 80s (think the Sex Pistols), the Union Jack has always been on the cutting edge of cool.  Apparently, it even hung on the back of Ferris Bueller's door in the iconic 80s movie!

The Union Jack actually has some personal relevance. I won't get into a long geographical, political or history lesson here (and if you are thanking me, you're welcome!), but the short story is that where I live, we have strong historical British ties.  So the Union Jack was actually our national flag (and then provincial one - once we joined Canada in 1949) until only about 30 years ago.  And it's not unusual to still see the iconic flag flying here.

I guess that's why I find the trend of using the Union Jack in home decorating so intriguing!  Lately, we've seen it used everywhere from rugs to pillows to furniture.  And I personally love it!  It makes a big statement.  There's just something about that graphic red, blue and white icon that adds instant personality to a room.  It brings immediate thoughts of red double decker buses, Buckingham Palace, Harrods, and The Underground ("mind the gap", lol).  I don't have anything 'Union Jack' in my home yet, but with all this awesome inspiration, I'm sure it's only a matter of time!

Take a look...

Any Union Jack decor discussion wouldn't be complete without Miss Mustard Seed's famous Union Jack painted dresser.  It's been imitated, but not duplicated!

Source: via Deanna on Pinterest

Source: via Alina on Pinterest

So what do you think about all this Union Jack decor hype?  Are you on board, or so over it?

PS. Want to know how to paint your own Union Jack?  Well, wouldn't you know it, there's a tutorial out there on that too!

Until next time, happy decorating Royal Wedding watching!

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