Tuesday, April 19

Blog Name Love {and Envy}

In my (real life) profession in an ad agency, I help create brands.  And, everybody knows that a big part of brand is its name.  Perhaps that's why I tend to really notice blog names.

Lord knows, it's not easy to find a good blog name these days.

When starting a new blog, the one thing you can count on is that there are already literally thousands of well-established blogs out there in your interest category.

And, if you have a list of five possible blog names in mind, don't get too attached yet. I can bet you that at least four of those domain names have already been spoken for, and maybe five.  If you're lucky, you'll end up with a name that bears some resemblance to your original idea. (Believe me, I know!)

So when I see a creative one that's made it through the initial obstacle course, it makes me smile.

For me, a great blog name is a lot like a great brand name.  It stands out from the crowd of similar blog names out there, and, it says in some way that this blog's for you; it resonates.  In other words, it's unique and memorable, and it also tells potential readers (your target audience) that they'll find some reward in spending 5 min a day on your blog. 

When I see a great blog name, I can't help but feel a little tingle of envy, like, oh crap, I wish I'd thought of that!  But mostly, it's admiration.

With that said, here are 10 names in the blogging world of home decor and crafts that I love!

  • Under the Table & Dreaming - yup, I can just picture myself curled up under there in the fetal position with my latest interior decor mag, hiding from the dogs, the babies, and the blackberry.  This name makes me smile.
  • In Between Laundry - This one makes me laugh because it taps into a real life truth for any crafty mom. When else would we find the time to indulge in decorating or crafting?
  • I Heart Nap Time - When I first saw this one, I think I might have yelled back at the screen, "Me too!"  Nap time = mommy time. The babies' nap time that is.  I don't get to nap.  Ever.
  • Fingerprints on the Fridge - First thing I thought was oh, thank god there are other mommy bloggers around here whose homes aren't perfect.  I immediately liked this blogger!
  • A Diamond in the Stuff - Upcycling. Trash to treasure.  I get it.  In like 2 nanoseconds flat.  Count me in.
  • Less Cake, More Frosting - I immediately smell a cake baking. Might as well call it "Come this way for all things sweet and yummy!"  Love it.
  • Making the World Cuter - Exactly.  Decorating and crafting isn't brain surgery or a solution for world peace.  But, darn it, the world is definitely a little cuter after every project!  Makes me grin.
  • {Primp} - Awesome in it's simplicity.  Says everything it needs to say in 5 little letters.
  • Reinvented - Again, just one word but packed with meaning.  I immediately get it.
  • Craftaholics Anonomous - Taps into a truth for anybody addicted to their glue gun.  It says, don't worry, you'll find others here just like you!

So, tell me, what blog names do you love (and envy)?


    1. All of the names above are great. When I started blogging in October 2010, I knew I wanted the word Southern in my name because were just plain old Southerners, and everything I came up with was taken. So now I have a really long blog name that is really, really too long. Any suggestions on a name change?

    2. Totally relating to this post. Half the reason I hadn't started a blog is because I couldn't settle on a name or a design. I picked something I thought was original, though not simple enough for my taste, only to find many more similar and better! Ah well...design is still not there...but if I had to wait for perfection, at my pace I'd be 100 before getting started! Slowly but surely! Love Primp too! And Under the table and dreaming! Classic!

    3. I like all those. Not Just a Housewife is one my favorite blog names too. It just encompasses putting your hands into everything in my mind.

      I'm actually happy with my blog name. My first choice was Functional Beauty...but it was taken. But my name encompasses what I had originally planned to blog about. Although I have gotten off-topic more than I am "on". LOL

    4. Kerri, great post! I just passed it along to a new client whose starting a new blog but having a hard time chosing a name. Thanks, timing is everything.


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