Tuesday, February 8

Stylish Blogging, my way!

Big thanks to Jennifer at Social Salutations for awarding me a "Stylish Blogger Award" yesterday!  She has some seriously cute stuff over there; it's worth a visit!

For those of you who are unfamiliar, this is a lovely little award that circulates through Blogland as a way to recognize other bloggers you like.  The thing is that you have to be awarded it by a blogger before you can pass it on to somebody else.

There's a few rules for accepting it.  First, you have to tell 7 things about yourself, and next, you have to pass it on to 8 other stylish bloggers.

So here goes...

1.  I have 3 children from 2 pregnancies.  Confused by the math? I have a daughter and twin boys!

2. I left my career as a Strategic Planning Director in an ad agency to be home with my kids (at least, for now!).  And guess what? I couldn't be happier (at least, for now!).

3. I'd like to turn my decorating passion into a business - maybe some day. A girl can dream right?

4. I've only ever visited a fortune teller once.  Everything she told me came true. (No joke).

5. I'm a geek.  No, really. I admit it, I am. I LOVED school.  I was a straight A student, was Valedictorian in high school, and graduated with top marks in my MBA. (It's fun to remind myself of that now and again!)  And, when I was all done with school, I went back and taught business and marketing courses at university! (I think I have academia in my veins.)

6. I absolutely LOVE to travel.  It doesn't happen that much these days: gee, I wonder why? But B.K. (before kids), I saw London, Paris several times (and most of France), Prague, Berlin, and Copenhagen, the Caribbean (Jamaica, Haiti, Mexico), and Bermuda (a bunch of times) to name a few destinations.  These days, Disney World is about as adventurous as it gets!

7. I'm addicted to HomeSense (kinda HomeGoods in the US).  Chances are, if you are there on a random weekday afternoon, you'll see me.  PS. I'm the with the big orange double stroller that doesn't fit through the aisles!

Now that you know a little more (too much?) about me, here are the lovely bloggers who I'd like to acknowledge with their very own Stylish Blogger Award!

The Yellow Cape Cod
Oh my gosh, have you seen this home?!?  One of my all-time favorite homes in Blogland, stuffed full of cottagey and stylish goodness.   If you haven't visited this blog, you are missing out.

All Things Heart and Home
If you haven't been by to visit sweet Robin, you must!  Her home decor and crafty ideas are gorgeous, but she is also full of insight, inspiration and wisdom.  I always feel uplifted after reading her posts!  

Serendipity Chic Design
Lisa was one of my first followers (thanks Lisa!).  She lost her entire blog over Christmas to a technical glitch and had to start from scratch. (Can you even imagine?)  But her blog is better than ever, and her work is swoon-worthy!  I can't get enough of her re-finished furniture and chippy signs!

Krafty Kat
She's full of fun and creative ideas herself, but awesome enough to host a weekly linky party called Gettin' Krafty With It where everybody can share their crafty ideas too!

Chipping with Charm
Although she has her own distinct sense of style, have you seen Laurel's recent post for the Funky Junk Copy Me Challenge?  Can you say, "nailed it"? Simply awesome.

The Sweet Survival
I just adore Trisha's style, and how she's succeed in creating character in her new build (something I'm trying to do too). I'd like to think that we have similar decorating tastes.   Like me she also has a one-year old son, so I can relate to the challenge of creating a beautiful home with a toddler (or two, in my case) as your shadow!

Sixty-Fifth Avenue
I've been following this beauty of a blog ever since I fell in love with her kitchen chalkboard wall at Christmas time.  You just have to see  it.  A thing of art! And then, her Pottery Barn inspired playroom sealed the deal.  This is one awesome decorator!

And, last but not least...

Nesting Place
While I'm sure she's received a bucket-load of these awards by now, my list of stylish bloggers wouldn't be complete without The Nester. Nesting Place is my absolute favorite blog, bar none. I can't get enough of her robin's egg blue painted furniture, and her unique cottage style.  Her blog is absolute eye candy.  I could spend hours there (and have).

To accept this award you have to follow these 4 rules:

1)  Thank and link back to the blogger who
awarded you with the award
2)  Share 7 Things about yourself 
3)  Award 8 recently discovered great bloggers 
4)  Contact the bloggers and inform them of  the award

Until next time, happy decorating!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for thinking of me and for the sweetest words! You made my day!



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