Tuesday, February 8

A Box of Bliss

Don't you just love that feeling when the courier truck pulls up in front of your door to deliver a package you've been waiting ever so patiently for?!?

Well, today one of those boxes of bliss arrived, and it just happened to be from...

Oh yah!

Can you guess what's in it?

It's a little something that I've been dreaming of for years.  And it's going to make a dramatic change in my home!  I'm itching with excitement!

I'll be opening the box tomorrow, and I'll post before and after pictures real soon!


  1. OH, OH, OH... A BOX IS SO EXCITING!!! Share soon, I'm excited for ya!

  2. Yes, I can appreciate the feeling. Whenever the courier truck pulls up in front of our house, I've got the front door open before they even get out of their truck.

    So excited to see what it was.


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