Wednesday, May 4

A Yellow Piano at The Inspired Room

I just absolutely  LOVE today's blog post at The Inspired Room entitled: "Never Paint a Piano Yellow".  If you are a reluctant decorator, or afraid of taking bold risks in your home, you must go and read it!

Melissa's blog post so articulately describes a decorating philosophy that rings true for me. Like everyone, I am often hesitant to make decor changes that don't follow the 'rule book'. But the little voice in my head that says "What will your friends and family think?" is eventually drowned out my instinct that it will look great.

When I do take risks, I am always rewarded.  Like, for example, this gallery wall.  It took me many months of toying with the idea, before I finally took the plunge.

So when it comes to your home, be brave.  Break 'the rules'.  Do what makes you happy.  As Melissa says, who cares what "they" think.  "They" don't have to live there.  You do.

Until next time, happy decorating!

1 comment:

  1. I love to "break the rules"....definitely makes for interesting conversation sometimes..LOL!

    Your gallery wall is definitely to die for Kerri!

    Take care,


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