Saturday, April 30

Photo Love

I love photography almost as much as I love decorating.   I love taking pictures, and I adore looking at others' photos, especially creative angles and editing.  I guess it's all part of being a 'visual person'.

My camera, a Nikon D40, is a few years old now, and not as fancy as some newer models I've see around, but it's got all the bells I need (and more). I would love to know how to use more of its features, but there is only so much time in a day. So I rely pretty heavily on editing software to mask my rather limited knowledge ;-).

On an average week, I would say that I take at least 150-200 shots, and only a fraction of them ever make it to my editing software. But there are always a few keepers that I fall in love with, and ultimately end up in an album or scrapbook, or on this blog.

I thought I'd share a few of my favorite shots over the past week or two.  I've gotta admit, I can't really go wrong when the subject matter is a sweet as this :-). 

Hope you're having a happy weekend.

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