Sunday, March 20

Please hug your babies extra long tonight.

Today is one of incredible sadness for our little circle of friends.

A tragedy has unfathomably claimed our friends' baby boy, who was bright-eyed and beautiful in every way, and was just of shy of a year and half old - the age of our own twin boys.

Even as I type this, I still cling to false hope that someone will shake me and tell me I am dreaming.

There are no words, except to say that our thoughts and prayers are now with his parents, and his beautiful twin sister who is too young to understand, but who is old enough to deeply miss him.

"An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby's birth.
Then whispered as she closed the book "too beautiful for earth".
~author unknown


  1. I am so sorry to hear this. The family is in my prayers here in Missouri.

  2. Please accept my sincere condolences for the family. Our prayers are with them..

  3. Hi Kerri, I stopped by to say hi and saw this heart is breaking for your friends. So very, very hard...praying for peace and hope for your friends and for you. Blessings, laurel

  4. I can't even imagine the pain they must feel. Prayers to that sweet family and to those that love them.



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