Tuesday, March 1

My New Gallery Wall (Risk = reward!)

I *think* I have finally completed my gallery wall in my living room.

I say "think" only because I am convinced there is a little something missing. I still haven't figured out what it is. I'd really like to have something surprising and unexpected up there - a conversation piece. I tried a bunch of {crazy} things, but wasn't happy with any of them. So I am not going to force it; I'm sure it will come to me in good time.

I though I'd share it with you for now.

Here's my wall before...

Nine foot ceilings meant that there was a whole lot of empty space above this lone canvas. The piece just seemed to get swallowed up with wall.  Even flanked by sconces, it still felt too small to me.

I wanted to create more height, without investing in a new, larger piece. I am really attached to this one. I love the colours, and the tranquility of the watery scene.

I decided that a gallery wall was a great solution.

I've mentioned in earlier posts that I am a big fan of gallery walls, but until recently, I was a little fearful to do one in my own home.  I'm not exactly sure what held me back, other than a fear of not doing a good job.  And well, there's just something about all those nail holes in my new home!

Conincidentally, The Nester wrote a couple of great posts over the past few days about fears that hold us back from taking creative risks in our homes (using gallery walls as just one example).  I love how she summed it up : “It’s a ding a ling nail hole in the wall, is there anything in life LESS risky than creating a 1 millimeter hole in a wall that can be filled with your finger and some putty in 2 seconds?!" LOL.  So true!

Clearly, with risk comes reward.

My wall now looks like cottage cheese, but I couldn't be happier with how the wall turned out.

You might notice my painted monogram art that I posted about earlier this week.

I also included my favorite pictures of my 3 babes.

Until next time, happy decorating!


  1. love the painting and the way you designed everything . very pretty

  2. I think it looks great!

    Think of it this way, it CAN be changed if YOU change your mind. I change mine with the seasons.

  3. I love your wall...all of it ties in really well and it looks so put together!


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