Saturday, January 1

Our Perfectly Imperfect Gingerbread House

Every year, I decorate a gingerbread house with my 6-year old daughter and her cousins.  (Notice I said 'decorate', not 'make'.  Gotta love those gingerbread kits! A decorator I am; a baker I am not!)

It's become our little tradition.  We put some Christmas songs on and have ourselves a merry little time. Usually, we do this a few days before all the real excitement begins, so that we aren't rushed and we can enjoy the process.

However, this year, the time got away from me - something called, errr, one-year old twins can do that to you, haha!  And so, we found ourselves on Christmas Eve night without having cracked open the gingerbread box.

Of course, all it took was a little begging and their sad little faces for me to (reluctantly) agree to start this project at 8pm on the night of Santa's visit.  (Who can say no to children on Christmas Eve?!?  Not me!)

Well, as you can imagine, we were rushing to get it done, as there were  many other things on my to do list that evening.  And, if you've ever put one of these suckers together, you'd know that rushing is not a good thing.

I think I'll tell the rest in pictures...

This will go down as one of my favorite moments of this Christmas Season!  We all had a good laugh at the mess! It just goes to show that things can be 'imperfect' to be absolutely PERFECT! A really good lesson for a perfectionist like me. :-)

I'm linking this up to the Blogging Bloopers Party at

and Christmas Stories at
Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special


  1. Sometimes the unexpected moments are the most special! Looks like you had a fun time, and a tasty treat too! :-) Happy New Year

  2. What a perfect memory for the kids and for you. I'd say BRAVO to all of you for making the best of the worst.

  3. Those cute faces say it all! Thanks for linking. Enjoyed this!

    Happy New Year...


    Sheila :-)

  4. Oh! this is so cute! One way or another, the kids will remember this their whole lives, how funny!
    You have some beautiful kids!


  5. Oh, that's happened to us a few times when we went to make a gingerbread house!! Too much candy and frosting sometimes, ;-)

  6. I've never baked a gingerbread house either. That just seems too intimidating. I've feared I couldn't even get those packaged ones together, so I've always just wimped out and bought the premade one you just decorate. Haven't done that in a few years.

    Looks like your kids have some good memories. My bet is this is the year they will remember the most. You know, remember that first year we put the gingerbread house together at the last minute and it all fell apart....

  7. What a great lesson for your children. What a precious memory for you. Priceless.

  8. So precious! We just used the pre-made ones this year to decorate. You will be happy you had pictures from this "event"!

  9. Loved the photos...very expressive kiddies! That's the kind of project disaster I could really get into...if it fails, just eat it!!! Fun post...thanks for sharing!

  10. That is so cute! The kids probably just enjoyed doing the project and EATING the project!!! You're a good Mom to go through with that on Christmas Eve! Happy New Year to you and your family!!!

  11. Oh, I would have felt exactly the same way! I am glad that you turned it around and had fun eating it and especially that you caught those adorably sad faces!

  12. Looks like you had a lot of fun!
    Happy New Year


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