Thursday, January 20

Accessories Junky!

I realized today that I am a certified accessories junkie!

Is there therapy for that? If so, I need to get me some, lol.

If decorating is my addiction, then accessories are definitely my drug! Nothing gets my heart beating faster than (a) finding awesome accessories (at a great price), and (b) accessorizing something-anything!

Accessorizing - and re-arranging my existing accessories - is my absolute FAVORITE part of decorating.

The whole creative exercise of layering accessories on a shelf, console table or mantel is my bliss. I love the idea that the entire feeling of a space can be changed simply by introducing accessories from another room, be it pillows, artwork, books or baskets. Things that I've fallen out of love with in one room take on a whole new life in another.

I don't know if it's because I am never satisfied - or simply because I need creative stimulation - but I am always changing things around. I could be having a 'relaxing' cup of coffee in my living room while the babies nap, when a new accessorizing idea hits me..."hmmmm what if I just moved that there...ooh,ooh...then I could bring that over here..." and on it goes. Before I know it, my arms are filled with baubles and trinkets looking for a new home - and my coffee is cold. Please tell me I'm not the only crazy person out there who does this!

Well, today was one of those days.  While the babies napped, I scurried around my living area, and everything got a little tweaking here, and a little editing there.  And yes, my coffee got cold.

Good thing I have a Keurig!

Until next time, happy decorating accessorizing!

Psst...I linked this up at

Copy Me Challenge

1 comment:

  1. You have some really great the white pineapple.



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