Wednesday, December 15

See, I really DO love red!

If you are tiring of seeing blue around here, well, I'll admit, it seems like everything I've posted to this blog recently has been pretty darn turquoise. 

Sheesh, for that matter, it seems like I can't even write a post without using the word turquoise...or aqua...or tiffany blue...or robin's egg blue.  Yes...I think that by now I've clearly established that I have a favorite colour. OK, OK, more like an addiction, lol.

But I'm not totally a blue girl.  Really, I'm not! I like red too.  I even have a 'red' room in my home.  Well, the walls aren't red or anything; but all the accents are.  So it only made sense to decorate this room in traditional Christmas red for the holidays.

Here's a sneak-peak at my non-turquoise/red room all dressed up for Christmas!

I just LOVE the cover of this book.

My fun rooster pillow from Pier One.

My loft-style office is behind the wreath.

More whimsy from Pier One.



Happy Holidays!

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