Tuesday, December 14

My Real Life Christmas!

This time of year is so hectic.

It's easy to get a little lost in the craziness.  

The shopping, the wrapping, the baking...
and of course, who can forget, the holiday DECORATING!

The holiday decorating has to be just right.  Has to be perfect.

And when you blog about holiday decorating, you start to see everything as a photo opp.

You decorate it, you stage it, you shoot it, you crop it, you edit it, and you post it.  And...then you repeat.

But, in my home, as I am sure in yours, not everything is a 'photo opp'.

Not everything is perfect. 

The imperfect real life moments, or the 'out-takes', are the ones that are most meaningful.

Here's a taste of real life...

Stop covering your face!

Mommy, did you move my ornament?

Gabby's goofy face

Need some help here!

Seriously...I need some help here!

Are we supposed to clap or smile?

"Look at Mommy! Over here, look at Mommy!"

"Everybody, look at the camera! Yoo-hoo..."

Hmmm...this looks tasty! I'm sure Mommy won't miss it!

Quick look over the shoulder...



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