Thursday, December 2

Christmas mongram wreath, with my own twist

A few days ago, I posted a pic of an inspiration wreath that I found at a lovely decorating blog called A Soft Place to Land.

Well, I liked it so much that I mimicked the monogram on my own Christmas wreath.

I liked the simplicity of the white letter used on the inspiration wreath, but for Christmas, I wanted to jazz it up a bit with some sparkle. Given that I couldn't find a sparkly red 'R' in any local craft shop, I decided to try it myself.

STEP ONE: This is what my plain, greenery wreath looked like before I jazzed it up for Christmas!

STEP TWO: I purchased a plain white mdf 'R' from Michaels. I sprayed it all over with matte spray varnish.

STEP THREE: I held the letter over a large piece of white paper and then covered the entire surface with Red Ruby sparkles from Stampin' Up. These sparkles were great because they are very irridescent, but I am sure any would do. I already had them on hand for scrapbooking and card-making. The sparkles instantly stuck to the varnish. Once this 'coat' of sparkles was dry, I lightly sprayed the surface again, and then did a light sprinkling of 'Dazzling Diamonds' sparkles to give it a little more of a frosting. (PS, Once I was finished with each colour, I rolled the paper up into a cone, and put the leftover sparkles on the paper back into their containers. Too valuable to waste!)

STEP FOUR: After it was completed dry, I sanded the edges. It gave it a frosted sugar cookie kinda look!

STEP FIVE: I added the letter to the wreath, hanging it with gingham ribbon and a string of red beads that resemble cranberries!

STEP SIX: Enjoy!

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