Tuesday, November 23

Discovering Etsy and Studio Mela

I only only recently discovered Etsy.

Can you believe it? Well, I can't! I mean, how can I call myself a respectable online shopaholic and wanna-be decorator without knowing Etsy! Shame on me.

I've stumbled upon it many times in the past while shopping online for home decor and baby items, but I never joined or shopped there. That all changed a few days ago!

And, can I just tell you, I am HOOKED.

For those of you who already know Etsy, you'll understand my enthusiasm! For those of you who have not yet visited, you must! I found the most delicious things - everything from vintage linens, to distressed french bistro signs, to one-of-kind whimsical artwork. I was a kid in a candy store.

My very first purchases on Etsy came from Studio Mela.

This shop sells the sweetest, happiest and most colourful artwork I've seen in quite awhile. I purchased three 8x10 prints which I plan to frame in large white mats and hang them together in my kids' playroom.

If you have children, this is a great shop to visit. Even if you don't, this artwork is sure to bring out the kid in you!

Photo credit to Studio Mela on Etsy.com.

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